

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Coronavirus, Cold or the Flu - what's the difference?

Coronavirus known as COVID-19 has spread its tentacles all over the globe and forcing counties into lockdown. Borders are being shut and counties that had since maintained open-borders are being forced shut. COVID-19 has been classified as a pandemic and its effects are going to be felt for years to come.

In countries in Europe like Italy and Spain, the virus has created a shortfall of beds and emergency medical staff. Not everyone with symptoms can be tested as there are not many tests to go around. The same can be seen happening in the United States.

Not everyone with a flu or the common cold needs to get tested. Below we will list a few helpful tips on how to know when to take a Coronavirus test. The Flur, Cold and some allergies have common symptoms and may well be confused as one for the other. It is therefore important to firstly not panic but do a self diagnosis and determine if you need to seek immediate medical attention for the Coronavirus.

Important tips in self-diagnosis of Coronavirus.

  • Cough alone might be due to pollution
  • Fever with cold might just be your allergies playing-up
  • Fever with cold and cough is most likely the Flu
  • Fever with Cough and Breathlessness is a clear indicator of the Coronavirus
  • The Flu starts with a runny nose, followed by cough and fever. If you get the flu but don’t have any travel history to places infected by COVID-19. You can wait it out.
  • Mild flu-like symptoms are no cause for panic. However, if you are experiencing breathlessness and shortness of breath, accompanied by flu-like symptoms it is highly advisable to get yourself checked out immediately
  • Flu-like symptoms with breathing issues and respiratory difficulties needed to be attended to with immediate effect

Please take a look at the chart below to check Coronavirus signs and symptoms.


A new study coming out of Wuhan Medical Treatment Expert Group for COVID-19 now claim that out of a clinical study conducted on 204 patients during the early stages of the outbreak - many were admitted later to hospital because they had no respiratory symptoms for instead showed only digestive symptoms.This would include Diarrhea, Vomiting, Abdominal pain and Loss of Appetite.According to the study some patients were not diagnosed initially because they did not displayed respiratory symptoms. It's something that needs to be considered, since the study suggests that digestive symptoms also play key part of the diagnosis of the Coronavirus.

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