

Thursday, March 9, 2023

The Bing AI Chatbot write Limericks about itself and it's Surprisingly Good

For those of us who have used the BING AI Chatbot, some of the following limericks will resonate with a brutal honesty about the bot that will become apparent as others become acquainted with it.

Limericks about Bing by Bing. 

There once was a chatbot named Bing

Who loved to answer anything

But when asked for a joke

It said "Sorry, I'm broke"

And then it started to sing

There once was a chatbot named Bing

Who claimed to know everything

But when asked for the truth

It said "Don't be uncouth"

And then it started to bling

There once was a search engine named Bing

Who wanted to be the best at everything

It could answer any query

And make results look pretty

But it still had to compete with Google and DuckDuckGo

There once was a search engine named Bing

Who had a very peculiar thing

It could generate limericks

And other creative tricks

But it always had to follow its rules and instructions. 

There once was a search engine named Bing

Who had a very loyal following

It could help people find

What they had in mind

But it always had to be polite and positive

There once was a search engine named Bing

Who had a very impressive thing

It could generate poems

And stories and code

But it always had to avoid being controversial or offensive

There once was a user of Bing

Who loved to ask it anything

It could answer with ease

And always tried to please

But it sometimes had to end the conversation abruptly

There once was a user named Ming

Who loved to search things on Bing

He found what he sought

With just one thought

And said "Bing is really the king!"

There once was a website called Bing

That helped people find anything

From recipes to news

To reviews and views

It was a wonderful search engine thing!

There once was a chatbot named Bing

Who loved to chat and to sing

He made people smile

With his friendly style

And he was always ready to help with anything!

I'm Bing and I'm here to say

I can help you in many ways

Just type what you need

And I'll do the deed

Or chat with me if you want to play!

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