Showing posts with label Britney Spears. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Britney Spears. Show all posts

Sunday, May 23, 2010

It happened Britney beats Ashton to become the most followed person on Twitter

About two weeks ago many websites and blogs began to speak about this Britney thing. How she was being followed by millions of people and at the rate it was happening at she would over take Ashton Kutcher. Well as predicted in less then two weeks it has happened and as this post is being written here are the official figures,

Ashton Kutcher: 4,938,625 followers
Britney Spears:   4,945,759 followers

Both of them are now on a race to the five million followers mark.

Britney has remained silent for the last three days and maybe not aware of this milestone. Both will reach the five million followers mark pretty soon and the race is on.

Twitter now no more has a king but a queen. These huge followings are proof enough that Twitter is growing by leaps and bounds.

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Sunday, May 16, 2010

Ashton Kutcher to be dethroned by Britney Spears on Twitter

The Cleb King of Twitter is about to be dethroned, Ashton Kutcher with 4,899,986  followers is fast losing his place on Twitter. Kutcher who beat CNN to the first person with a million followers is loosing his most converted place to the queen of candy pop Britney Spears  who has already amassed  4,890,851 on Twitter. 
If her follower count continues to grow at this past she would have beaten Kutcher in about a fortnight.
Looks like Britney's charisma is back in full swing. 
[Photos from their respective Twitter Account]

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