Showing posts with label DUI checkpoints. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DUI checkpoints. Show all posts

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Twitter users spead DUI chekpoint locations

Police fear that young drivers will avoid DUI checkpoints as word about their locations spread. All thanks to Twitter. Drivers can upload locations and other will navigate away from these points. Sobriety tests points

In Fresno, Calif., police say they know their checkpoints are being avoided by young drivers sending tweets. Sgt. Dave Gibeault, head of the traffic unit, tells McClatchy Newspapers his own daughter has sent him text messages about where she's heard there is a checkpoint.

Police in Phoenix agree saying it is not just Twitter that is being used but Facebook and iPhone apps as well. Is it any wonder that there would be an iPhone app for this as well. 

The police themselves give out notice to the public about the DUI checkpoints except specific locations. With people now broadcasting on social sites and smartphones it now makes the situation a little tricky as the police know people are going to go out of their way to avoid they checkpoints and that should not cause any grievance to other motorists. 

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