Showing posts with label Facebook News Feed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Facebook News Feed. Show all posts

Sunday, August 19, 2012

How to set Facebook to always open either Top Stories or Most Recent

Facebook News Feed Sample

This post will deal with how to set your Facebook Homepage to always open either Top Stories or Most Recent. We had previously written about how to set Facebook as you homepage in various browsers. Once your done that you can take things a step further. Whenever you log-in to Facebook you can set it such that it automatically open your News Feed to display either 'Top Stories' or 'Most Recent'.

Difference between Top Stories and Most Recent on your Facebook News Feed

1. Top Stories - when you choose this option only top stories form your friends and people you have subscribe to will be displayed. This is not in chronological order but based on the number of comments and likes each post has received. Therefore the order of Top Stories will be based on numbers and statistics. Most popular post is displayed on top and the others in descending order.

2. Most Recent - this option has nothing to with likes and comments. It is simply set to show you all post on your Facebook News Feed in chronological order. From the most recent appearing first and the rest in descending order. So post form games you play, apps you use, people you have subscribed to and friends' updates will appear in time. According to the time they were posted. 

Now you can use the link on top to shift between these two options. If on the other hand you want to set it such that every-time you open Facebook you want it to directly open either 'Top Stories' or 'Most Recent' this is what you can do.

To open Most Recent stories on your Facebook News Feed every-time set your Facebook homepage to:
To open Top Stories on your Facebook News Feed set your Facebook homepage bookmark to: 
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Friday, June 4, 2010

Difference between News Feed and Wall on Facebook

If you wondering what's the difference between your News Feed and Wall on Facebook. There have been many people what actually would like to know the difference. News Feed was a fairly new addition while the wall was something everyone was used to. Once Facebook launched the News Feed the Wall began to play a secondary role so to speak.

News Feed

This is what your greeted with as soon as you login to Facebook. Here to get to see what your friends have been up to. Who has been playing what game and also their recent achievements. To get to see photos and videos shared with you by your friends and all the rest of it. 

The purpose of the wall is for sharing in a social sense. You and your friends get to share stuff and comment each other's posts. But both of you guys also have friends who know either one of you both not both of you. This is called "Friends of Friends" by Facebook. Since there are two people who are sharing and have a separate list of friends. Everyone gets to see posts and updates made by you. The News Feed is a very public place.

let's say a friend of yours has got a new car and posted pics of the same. This appears on your news feed and you now know that your friend has a new car. You reply to the feed and drool over the same if it is a nice one of course. This is seen by both off you and all your friends. Which means friends of both parties get to see it too.

On the News Feed you can also share links. If you are surfing the web and you come across something you really like and want to share with your Facebook friends. More often than not that site would have a Facebook Share button that allows you to connect to Facebook and share the same with your friends and this gets posted to your News Feed.

It's a very public and community thing


The wall on the other hand is a place where all your personal stuff is placed. If a friend wants to know specifically what you've been up to on Facebook, they would need to click on your name and they land on your wall. Your Wall is your personal space on Facebook. Here people can find more info about you. Photos and videos you might have uploaded. If you play Facebook games some specials might get posted to your wall. Since many collectible and rare items from many social games like PetVille and FarmVille post to your wall. Where your friends can come and collect bonuses and rewards.

The wall therefore has a more personal feel to it and you get to control who sees what by adjusting your privacy settings and tunning it to your likes and dislikes.

Your wall would usually have your most recent activities like who you fiends with now. Likes to pages and groups you might like. Mostly when you click the "Like" button anywhere on Facebook or outside sites. This activity also shows up on your wall. Yes it comes to the News Feed but quickly vanishes. But it stays permanently on your wall. 

So, your wall shares more personal stuff about you on a more permanent basis while the news feed is something fast and flowing. 

If you would like more info on how to adjust your news feed and wall settings, please search our site for the same.

An original post by


Friday, April 2, 2010

How to add or upload a photo or video to your Facebook News Feed update via email

You can send photos and videos directly to your Facebook status updates via email. Making it easier for people who do not have Facebook access let's say at office but would like to really update their status immediately. Sharing those great photos you took on your holiday and what not. 

To get your personalized email ID to use with your Facebook status update you would first need to login to Facebook. Click your News Feed, then click on the tiny video icon photo icon. This is the option you get.

Select an image file on your computer.

Or upload via email

Once you click on upload via email this is the pop up window you get with the options found below. The email ID given to you is private and should not be shared. If you do share it you run the risk of finding your status update being done by other people. You really don't want that

Use a personalized upload email to post status updates or send photos and videos straight to your profile. Your personal upload email is:

Send my upload email to me now.


  • This is *your* personal email - don't share it with anyone.

  • The email subject will be used as the caption of your photo or video if your email contains photo or video.

  • The email subject will be used as your updated status if your email contains no photo or video.

  • Save your upload email as a contact for easy access.

  • Photos and videos uploaded via email are visible to everyone by default. You can change this for any album from the site itself.

  • Anytime you want, refresh your upload email.

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