If you have a website or a blog, you're definitely concerned if all your content is being indexed and displaying on mobile search results. Google has made it very clear that if your website is not mobile friendly, it would directly result in suboptimal rankings. Website and Blog owners cannot afford to let this happy. People using the internet have moved on from traditional PCs to tablets and mobile phones. You can run a check using a Google tool to evaluate and diagonze the mobile friendliness of your website. If all is well, you get the message -- Awesome you website is mobile friendly. If it's not, there are a lot of helpful resources to make sure it gets there. [Check it out now]
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Showing posts with label Google. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Google. Show all posts
Friday, December 12, 2014
Google has a tool to test if your website is Mobile Friendly
If you have a website or a blog, you're definitely concerned if all your content is being indexed and displaying on mobile search results. Google has made it very clear that if your website is not mobile friendly, it would directly result in suboptimal rankings. Website and Blog owners cannot afford to let this happy. People using the internet have moved on from traditional PCs to tablets and mobile phones. You can run a check using a Google tool to evaluate and diagonze the mobile friendliness of your website. If all is well, you get the message -- Awesome you website is mobile friendly. If it's not, there are a lot of helpful resources to make sure it gets there. [Check it out now]
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Google fiber comes to Austin Texas
Check out these speeds and prices. Google is offering 1gb/s for 70$ or 5mb/s for free. All other cable companies need to take note and realize that fleecing people with their slow speeds isn't the right way to go. [Image Source]
Introducing the no CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA by Google
Google has something new and cool to get people faster to the sites and apps they love. It's being called reCatcha -- remember those annoying Captcha images you needed to solve before continuing to sign-up. Those days are gone. Check the video below to see more of Google's cleaver Innovation. [Google Blog Post]
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Here's you chance to visit Google's Massive Data centers, your computer has already been here though
Please click on image to expand. Google have released the veil off their massive data centers and you can now get a rare peek inside them, These data centers are massive and beautiful. Keep in mind that these are among the most powerful server networks in the know universe. These large centers are quite different in that they make use of renewable energy and are environmental friendly. So head on over now to check out all these latest pics released by Google. You can view the Tech used, meet some of the people and visit a few places. You can access the entire gallery here.
Please click on image to expand.
Friday, July 19, 2013
How to get Full-Screen Compose in GMail
The new Gmail Inbox and compose has been launched now to most users across the world. With the new Gmail Inbox, all your mail can be categorized and displayed under various tabs - we have already written about it and you can view it here. With the Gmail compose however, when you want to write an email. The window is a small opo-up on hte left-hand corner of your screen. This has all changed and you now have a compose window that opens-up across your screen. This is still being rolled out to most users. So if you don't have the option as yet. Wait a few days and you can use this new feature by Gmail
1. Login to Gmail.
2. Click on Compose
3. Choose the drop-down arrow and select 'default to full-screen'
4. You could also click the arrow with a double-head. This takes you to a full-screen pop-out
To return back to your old compose - click on the broken arrow at the top of your screen. This should bring back your old compose, if you don't want to use the full-screen compose option in Gmail. This was announced via a Google+ post. I have found this very useful as I was using the old compose instead of the new - since it did not have full-screen mode.
Video below if you'd like the visuals
Thursday, June 27, 2013
You can now become a Google Street View Trekker
Google maps, Google Earth and all their related apps use Street View. Street View is ability to browse Google Maps at street view level. If you're using Google Earth - drop the little man icon and you're suddenly on eye level with the map. So surf and see pictures as they were taken live and kind of live the experience. latest Google Street View has moved to a whole new level. Instead of the street view cars - Google has packed a Trekker on a human back and gone walking with the camera equipment. Which means street view can be a accessed from difficult places and difficult terrain. All a person needs to do is to strap the equipment to their back and walk and out of the whole effort comes some amazing panoramic 360 degree views of the beautiful earth, using Google Street View Trekker.
If you would like to wear this equipment on your back and go on a trek - you can now apply for a partnership and volunteer your services. There are some places that only a few people know. Especially in some parts of the earth. If you are an expert on some place that is beautiful and remove and nice to look at. You can consider volunteering your service to Google. You can apply if you are an organization or an individual. You can also tell Google if you need some sponsorship or funding to conduct your trip. Please check out the link below and apply if this suits your fancy.
Apply to use Street View Trekker here. Image courtesy of Google.
Apply to use Street View Trekker here. Image courtesy of Google.
Sunday, June 16, 2013
What is Google's Project loon and how does it work
Project Loon by Google was born out of the idea - how to get the world connected. Because, a majority of the world is not connected to the internet. There are some remote places on earth, that don't have internet at all. There are other places where 1 out of every 10,000 people have internet. Fast connections not being available at all. A majority of the world is not connected to the internet. If you have a fast internet connection, you should feel blessed, most of us take it for granted. Google has come up with an idea so crazy it's being called Project Loon. Yes, it might be short for balloon - since it involves big balloons floating in the stratosphere. Google says that this might be the fastest and most cost-effective way to get people in the hinterlands connected to the internet. Testing of the project has already begun in New Zealand.
How it works.
Google sends up big balloons in the sky, 20 kilometers high - plans fly below 10 kilometers; so no interference with air traffic. These are solar-powered and move with the winds that circle the globe. These balloons are connected with each, other and their control stations. Users have an antenna - shaped like a balloon that connect to these balloons in the sky. Internet is transmitted and everyone can stay connected. These balloons can also be brought down for maintenance and recycling once their life is over.
These balloons in the stratosphere follow air currents and can be controlled from the ground. These air-currents circle the earth in a west to east direction. So when one balloon leaves the area another one is ready to take its place. This way eventually, the entire earth can get fast and speedy internet connections. These speeds will be similar to 3G speeds of today and even faster.
You can read more here at Project Loon. Balloon-powered Internet for everyone.
Check the video below to know more
How it works.
These balloons in the stratosphere follow air currents and can be controlled from the ground. These air-currents circle the earth in a west to east direction. So when one balloon leaves the area another one is ready to take its place. This way eventually, the entire earth can get fast and speedy internet connections. These speeds will be similar to 3G speeds of today and even faster.
You can read more here at Project Loon. Balloon-powered Internet for everyone.
Check the video below to know more
Monday, June 10, 2013
How to get the New Gmail Version with Tabs
Gmail has a new look and feel, your inbox has been completely changed and everything looks new. With the new Gmail tabbed inbox you get all your mail organized according to category and tabbed under the same. When you first setup the new look you can choose from five options categories - Primary, Social, Promotions, Updates and Forums. Once you choose which tabs you'd like, emails are categorized under these tabs or categories. So if you want Social - all your Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn etc, notifications and mails are stored under this category. So clicking on the social tab will take you to all your social mails under one category. This is fantastic and makes your inbox that much more organized.
There are five tabs for you to choose. You can decide to use all of them or even none. Customization is totally up to you. If you find that an email is showing up on the wrong category. right-click on that email and move it to a different tab, simply drag-and-drop. Works on web and mobile. The new tabbed inbox is available both on web and mobile.
How to set up the new Gmail Tabbed Version.
This will be rolling out over the next couple of weeks. For some it is already here.
1. Login to gmail
2. Click the gear icon in the upper right, then select Settings.
3. Click on 'Configure Inbox' - is this option has not yet appeared in your settings. You need to check back later as it might take some time
4. Now select the tabs you want to see and that's it.
You have the brand new version of Gmail and the new tabbed inbox is fun and exciting to work with. In the Android and iPhone and iPad apps, you will see the primary tabs first and you can navigate from there.
Check the video below for more.
There are five tabs for you to choose. You can decide to use all of them or even none. Customization is totally up to you. If you find that an email is showing up on the wrong category. right-click on that email and move it to a different tab, simply drag-and-drop. Works on web and mobile. The new tabbed inbox is available both on web and mobile.
How to set up the new Gmail Tabbed Version.
This will be rolling out over the next couple of weeks. For some it is already here.
2. Click the gear icon in the upper right, then select Settings.
3. Click on 'Configure Inbox' - is this option has not yet appeared in your settings. You need to check back later as it might take some time
4. Now select the tabs you want to see and that's it.
You have the brand new version of Gmail and the new tabbed inbox is fun and exciting to work with. In the Android and iPhone and iPad apps, you will see the primary tabs first and you can navigate from there.
Check the video below for more.
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Google Chat comes to Outlook and SkyDrive
Well, this is not something the internet thought they'd hear. Microsoft integrates a Google service right within their email service, and also on their Cloud based storage service - SkyDrive. In this surprise move, Microsoft says that this has been a popular requested feature from its users. You might remember that a while back Microsoft converted all Hotmail accounts into Outlook and all email is now handled only on Outlook. Outlook is quite amazing with a whole new interface and all. With the addition of Google Talk Microsoft seems to e opening up to their users needs, and also accepting that other services have indeed become useful and some users' can't live without.
How to chat with Google Contacts in Outlook
It should be available this week - this is how it'll work. You open your Messaging Pane in Outlook. Found on the top-right-hand corner and you should see a message asking if you'd like to connect your Google account. Choose to do so and it should happen seamlessly. Allow Microsoft to access your Google account and all your contacts are added. You can then use Outlook.com or SkyDrive and continue chatting with all your Google Pals. Clicking on a friends pic will bring up the chat box. This whole roll-out, should be completed this week and Outlook users' can use Google Talk from within their email.
The whole effort is being made to encourage people to come to Outlook.com and try it out. Microsoft seems to be stopping at nothing to attract more uses to Outlook. The service is actually quite good, but whether users will migrate to it en-mass is left to be seem. Do share your thoughts in the comments section below.
Source: Microsoft Blog.
It should be available this week - this is how it'll work. You open your Messaging Pane in Outlook. Found on the top-right-hand corner and you should see a message asking if you'd like to connect your Google account. Choose to do so and it should happen seamlessly. Allow Microsoft to access your Google account and all your contacts are added. You can then use Outlook.com or SkyDrive and continue chatting with all your Google Pals. Clicking on a friends pic will bring up the chat box. This whole roll-out, should be completed this week and Outlook users' can use Google Talk from within their email.
The whole effort is being made to encourage people to come to Outlook.com and try it out. Microsoft seems to be stopping at nothing to attract more uses to Outlook. The service is actually quite good, but whether users will migrate to it en-mass is left to be seem. Do share your thoughts in the comments section below.
Source: Microsoft Blog.
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Google Glass Hacked
Google Glass the futuristic tech gadget from Google has been hacked. Google Glass must have been a target for hackers ever since its release. With a name like Glass it was begging for hackers to try and tinker with it. That is exactly what has been done by Jay Freeman also known as Saurik, who created the Cydia App store for JailBreak iOS phones did just that. With the hack he has successfully gained root access to Google Glass.
The way he went about it was that, after discovering that Google Glass ran on Android 4.0.4 he began testing older known exploits and discovered that one exploit worked. The exploit released by a hacker that goes by the name of B1nary, allowed him full access to Google Glass operating system. he says he is not really sure what he would be able to do with the root access. There are some things that could be possible like, storing files locally and not on Google servers. he is not the first to gain root access to Google Glass.
So how has Google responded to the hack. Tim Bray Google Staffer says 'Google Glass is hackable, Duh. As usual Google is already a step ahead. hackers however are some really cool dudes, who have immensely help Tech become cleaner and safer.
Source: Forbes
So how has Google responded to the hack. Tim Bray Google Staffer says 'Google Glass is hackable, Duh. As usual Google is already a step ahead. hackers however are some really cool dudes, who have immensely help Tech become cleaner and safer.
Source: Forbes
Yes, Glass is hackable. Duh. goo.gl/HQpLC
— Tim Bray (@timbray) April 26, 2013
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Google Nose can help you smell the roses
Google says on April 1st 2013 that they can now help you smell. Search will no more be restricted to just text and video. Search will now also bring to you smells. In this context - please open the curtains for 'Google Nose'. When you click on try Google Nose, you are taken to a random smell on the search engine. Some of them a little nasty; this however, is taken care off with the safe button. So your random smell can be limited to something more manageable.
So click on try Google Nose - a random smell is shown on the search engine. Now all you need to do is to click on 'Smell', bring your nose close to the screen and get a whiff. Even if you don't smell anything - consider sharing the link with your friends as a nice April fools' day joke. It's just got to be fun, internet fun. The video below will help you believe more in Google Nose and it all might also sound convincing. Whether it be real or not - this is one fun way to start your Monday and drive those blues away.
Try Google Nose now.
Try Google Nose now.
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Google Shopping Express - local delivery by Google
Google definitely has an announcement that is going to make you go 'What'. Google is getting into the same-day delivery business in a local context. In fact there is a pilot program being launched in the San Francisco Bay Area - if you live there here's your chance to get free deliveries for the next 6 months. Google is also on the lookout for testers. The way it works is like this, you purchase your product online and Google transport vehicles will come along pick it up and deliver it to your home.
Google Shopping Express: How does it work
The project has just been announced and this is what we can infer. There will be one place to do all your local shopping from your favorite retailers. Once you pay for the product, the next step will begin. You choose a time - select a delivery windows. Your goods get delivered to your home between the time period you selected. The delivery will happen in a nice truck with a smiling Google employee.
Strange as though it might seem, this is a business Google has decided to test and work-on. They already have retailers like Target, Walgreens and Office Deport who have signed up. In-fact Google has invited local businesses to be a part of the pilot program.
You can read the announcement from Google here.
The project has just been announced and this is what we can infer. There will be one place to do all your local shopping from your favorite retailers. Once you pay for the product, the next step will begin. You choose a time - select a delivery windows. Your goods get delivered to your home between the time period you selected. The delivery will happen in a nice truck with a smiling Google employee.
Strange as though it might seem, this is a business Google has decided to test and work-on. They already have retailers like Target, Walgreens and Office Deport who have signed up. In-fact Google has invited local businesses to be a part of the pilot program.
You can read the announcement from Google here.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Google Glass Video 'Ok Glass'
Google Glass has been in the news after disappearing for sometime. Google Glass are augmented realty glass eye-wear from Google. It is to be worn like regular glasses with a huge difference however. These glasses can shoot video, take a pic, share to your social networks and even make calls. These are just a few of the possibilities of Google Glass. The latest video from Google shows at least two commands that that the Glass follows. 'Ok Glass' will tell Google Glass to get ready to take a pic or shoot a video. Saying Google will bring up search results on whatever you might be looking at, at the moment. Saying Ok Glass tells the device that the users wants to do something - maybe check the weather, get driving directions or launch a video chat hangout.
Check out the video below to see Google Glass 'Ok Glass' video below
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Gmail's new Compose now has over 1,000 emotiocons added
If you've not yet started using Gmail's New Compose -- this might be reason enough to start now. Gmail New Compose is the ability to write or compose more than 1 email at the same time. This was something not available in the old compose. The old Gmail compose would open up an entire page and you can only write one email at a time. With the new compose you can work on multiple emails at the same time. All the more reason to get started using the new compose. In addition to spice things up there are now over a 1,000 new emoticons added to the new compose page.
The new emoticons have the entire range of Google's similes animals, trees, vehicles, figures, numbers and what have you. The list is endless and there is sure to be an emoticon for everyone out there.
How to use new Gmail Compose.
If you haven't already started, you would need to click on compose and on top of your message. Click on the link which says 'Try the new compose experience'. Once you do this a new windows opens up and you get the new compose box. Hover at the bottom of the box and click on the emoticon icon to get you 1,000+ new emoticons.
So if you're ready go use it now or get ready to receive new emotions in your Gmail messages. Makes your Gmail inbox that much more fun.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
What is Google Now and how does it work
Google Now is a smart, intelligent personal assistant available on Android based devices running Android 4.1 Jelly Bean and higher. Google not is not Siri's competitor as it is not a voice based search like Siri. With Siri you need to ans a question and you get an audible voice response. With Google Now you can also get an audible voice response to a search query but it is more than that. Google Now will work quietly on your phone and try to predict what information you need as you go through your day. Like when you start you day a weather card will let you know the weather outside and the shortest route to work based on traffic conditions. When you enter a restaurant it will tell you the best dish available based on popularity of the dish and the restaurant.These are known as 'Cards' and they will show up randomly to help you throughout your day.
How to access Google now on my Android device.
Google now is available only on devices based on Jelly Bean 4.1 or higher. To access Google Now on your device, swipe on on your lock screen or home screen to get started. You can also access it by tapping on the Google Apps icon on your device. The simplest way would be to swipe from the bottom of your screen.
How does Google Now predict the information I need
Google takes information from your Gmail, Google search and other Google services that you might use to build and predict. With the information from all your activity, Google Now is able to know what information you need throughout the day with you asking -- it will predict and show-up on your device's screen. Based on all the information Google knows about you, Google Now is a service that gives back. A lot of companies are tracking you on the net, at least Google Now is open about it, and also giving back something useful in return.
What are Google Now 'cards'.
As Google swerves up more information to help you. You will notice 'Cards' start showing up. Like there is the weather card and birthday card and the public transit card. All these cards will show up on your screen when Google Now knows and predicts that you might need them. There are many cards that Google Now has to help make your day better. There is the photo spot card -- to let you know you are near a spot where people like to take pictures. The movie theater card to let you know what movies are playing nearby. The places card for when you are near a place people like to visit. The translate and currency card. The flight card to let you know arrival and departure. Events cards for when stuff is happening nearby.Sports cards, stocks cards, research card, Gmail card and much much more. If your cards aren't showing up try enabling Google Search History -- Google Now needs information to build these cards. You can visit Google Now on the web here.
Please check the video below to know more
Google now is available only on devices based on Jelly Bean 4.1 or higher. To access Google Now on your device, swipe on on your lock screen or home screen to get started. You can also access it by tapping on the Google Apps icon on your device. The simplest way would be to swipe from the bottom of your screen.
How does Google Now predict the information I need
Google takes information from your Gmail, Google search and other Google services that you might use to build and predict. With the information from all your activity, Google Now is able to know what information you need throughout the day with you asking -- it will predict and show-up on your device's screen. Based on all the information Google knows about you, Google Now is a service that gives back. A lot of companies are tracking you on the net, at least Google Now is open about it, and also giving back something useful in return.
What are Google Now 'cards'.
As Google swerves up more information to help you. You will notice 'Cards' start showing up. Like there is the weather card and birthday card and the public transit card. All these cards will show up on your screen when Google Now knows and predicts that you might need them. There are many cards that Google Now has to help make your day better. There is the photo spot card -- to let you know you are near a spot where people like to take pictures. The movie theater card to let you know what movies are playing nearby. The places card for when you are near a place people like to visit. The translate and currency card. The flight card to let you know arrival and departure. Events cards for when stuff is happening nearby.Sports cards, stocks cards, research card, Gmail card and much much more. If your cards aren't showing up try enabling Google Search History -- Google Now needs information to build these cards. You can visit Google Now on the web here.
Please check the video below to know more
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Google India Candle: In Memory of the Delhi Braveheart
The Braveheart from Delhi has been laid to rest at a quiet ceremony away from all the crowds. She has been given many sweet titles like Precious' and 'Treasure' -- she fought long, hard and brave against a loosing battle. The nation of India has been outraged by the atrocity against this girl and women in general. The incident sparked many flash protests and when she passed away in a hospital in Singapore - Indian turned from anger to sympathy. Jantar Mantar in Delhi saw thousands of people lighting candles and keeping vigil. The nation mourned in silence and peaceful protests turned to lighting of candles and being silent. Grieving the loss of a brave soul whose life ended just a few months before her marriage.
The people of India and of Delhi have been outraged and have showed resolve in telling the leaders of the nation, that such atrocities against women cannot go on and needs to stop. Social Media was alight with it from the beginning with Twitter, Reddit and Facebook being destinations that people used to vent their anger and show their solidarity. Google India have also shown this kind of solidarity to an event that has awoken a nation. A nation whose young people have come together to show their resolve and strength. To not politicize the issue but to prioritize what the new generations of Indians want and the kind of society they would like to live in. If you go to Google India today you will see the candle burning in Memory of the Delhi braveheart. Google.co.in
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Find out places to visit in a new city using Google
There is a new feature on Google and it's being called 'Points of Interest'. What this new feature essentially does is that if you're going to a new city or country or continent -- you can type into Google. Things to do in New York. Once done and you press enter you can then find a whole list of things to do, places to visit and all the tourist attractions available in that city. Once you see all the results you can then click on a place to visit and Google will provide all the relevant links below the picture. Essentially when you enter your search query there is a ticker banner with photos of places. You can use the right and left arrows t browse through the complete list. Once you've decided on the places you would like to see - click on the image and find all relevant links below.
An excellent tool for people who are travelling, it saves time and energy researching the place. Enter your query 'Things to do in city-name' and get the top list of tourist attractions available in a city or country. A must have tip for travelers and in addition to relevant links you also get directions to travel to that place, phone number, address and visiting hours. There is also a link to Google Reviews if you would like to see the score and reviews of that place.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Get Santa to call your family and friends
Google has a very cleaver and friendly new web app -- Send A Call From Santa. The way it works is like this -- you enter the name of a friend, family member or your home number. Then tell Santa who he needs to call and how you like to address the person. You can use a funny nick name or choose some funny names from the choices provided. You can use this app to send a Santa call to your kids. Anyway so you fill in a few details to personalize the call -- like favorite food etc and then go ahead and click call. If the person is somewhere near you, you can watch the surprise on their face. A great app for some Christmas fun, you can also send a personal message on Google+ and email. The calls happen only during US daylight hours and cannot be made during the night. Maybe to deter pranksters from disturbing people at all hours of the night.
The App is not meant only for kids but for adults as well. That's why there are so many options to personalize the call. When adding your personalizations remember that when Santa asks you what food do i like to eat. You answer is the one that Santa will be using during the call. Go go ahead and give it a while and add a comment below if you find it fin.
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Google+ Communities: How it works
Google+ have launched Communities and it is bieng compared to Facebook groups. Google+ communities are like Facebook groups in that sense and other types of groups that users might be familiar with. Google+ communities however offer the large Google+ community as potential users who can join a community. You can create a community and make it either public or private. Once you create a community you can wither invite people to join or let people who like the topic find you and join your community. A great place to share ideas and just about anything. Anybody with a Google+ account can create a community and you can choose just about any topic from under the sun.
There are already a large number of communities set up on Google+, they also have a large number of members who are contributing together. Also good if you want to learn new subjects like 'Photography'. Google+ communities are a good place to create your own community or join someone else's community and contribute. Before creating a community you would need to know that creating and maintaining a community is a lot of hard-work, especially if it grows and becomes big. So if you are dedicated enough -- go for it. Also before creating a community make sure there are no communities that exist with the same name already. Be creative and come up with something original, this is turn will ensure a lot more people join and share in your community.
How to create a Google+ Community
1. Login to Google+
2. On the left-hand side menu click on 'Communities Logo'.
3. Click on 'Create Community' choose either private or public.
4. Chose if anyone can join or do they need permission to join.
5. Click on create community and you're done
Once your community is setup you can add videos, links, events, photos and status updates.
How to edit my Google+ Community
1. Go to your community page and under community page photo click on 'edit'. From here you can share, edit or invite people. Under actions click on edit community to add a category and other benefits to your community. Under the same actions you will also be able to delete our community.
So go ahead and create your own or join someone else's Google+ community. Google+ has a vibrant user base and it is sure going to prove to be a lot of fun to create and maintain a Google+ community.
Visuals below in the video
There are already a large number of communities set up on Google+, they also have a large number of members who are contributing together. Also good if you want to learn new subjects like 'Photography'. Google+ communities are a good place to create your own community or join someone else's community and contribute. Before creating a community you would need to know that creating and maintaining a community is a lot of hard-work, especially if it grows and becomes big. So if you are dedicated enough -- go for it. Also before creating a community make sure there are no communities that exist with the same name already. Be creative and come up with something original, this is turn will ensure a lot more people join and share in your community.
1. Login to Google+
2. On the left-hand side menu click on 'Communities Logo'.
3. Click on 'Create Community' choose either private or public.
4. Chose if anyone can join or do they need permission to join.
5. Click on create community and you're done
Once your community is setup you can add videos, links, events, photos and status updates.
How to edit my Google+ Community
1. Go to your community page and under community page photo click on 'edit'. From here you can share, edit or invite people. Under actions click on edit community to add a category and other benefits to your community. Under the same actions you will also be able to delete our community.
So go ahead and create your own or join someone else's Google+ community. Google+ has a vibrant user base and it is sure going to prove to be a lot of fun to create and maintain a Google+ community.
Visuals below in the video
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Google Chrome Wrench Icon replaced with HotDog Icon
Chrome have changed the icon that used to represent the place where people go to adjust their Google Chrome Settings. We have written a large number of How-to articles on Google Chrome and people are now asking where is the 'Wench' icon -- Google Wrench is missing, disappeared changed and replaced. Something that everyone had gotten used to. The new icon being called the hotdog icon looks like three black lines stacked up over each other. The Wrench icon was most iconic and in its own fine way represented settings.
The place to go to when you needed to adjust your settings and change something. The New Hotdogs icon is however here to stay and we are not going into the reasons as to what might have prompted Google to change it. Suffice is to say that it has been changed and now when you want to educate someone on Chrome settings. You might want to use the word hotdog icon and represented by three black lines stacked one on the other. Here is a snapshot of the old wrench icon and the new hotdog icon.
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