Showing posts with label New York City. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New York City. Show all posts

Monday, December 28, 2009

You cannot buy an iPhone online in New York City

Erick Schonfeld of TechCrunch Reported that when he tried to buy an iPhone online from AT&T's online store he received the message " Sorry this package is not available in your city". This is now the big story, they are not selling iPhone's online. You can still buy an iPhone from a physical store or directly from Apple's online store. 

Found on the Consumerist.

AT&T has apparently found a workable solution to the reported data congestion in New York City. They've quietly stopped selling the iPhone to customers in the New York metropolitan area, at least from their web site.

I guess that's one way to solve the problem.

Reader Stephen in Brooklyn made the discovery while shopping for a new phone today.

"I was on the AT&T Wireless website trying to get an iPhone. However, when I put in my zip code 11231, the site says the iPhone is unavailable. This seemed a little odd so I started punching in other famous zip codes: 90210, 60609 (spiegel catalog), 02134 (zoom, an old children's show).

For theses cities, LA, Chicago, Boston, iPhone is available. Then I looked up some other zip codes: Dallas, Miami, St. Louis, Philadelphia, San Francisco. All those cities are ok. Then I started putting in more NYC zip codes: midtown, Staten Island, the iPhone available.

This is weird...AT&T has cut off New York City."

Daphne: Welcome to AT&T online Sales support. How may I assist you with placing your order today?

Laura: Hi, I was looking at the iPhone 3Gs and the system tells me that I cannot order one in my ZIP code. My zip code is 11231. (Brooklyn, NY) Is this true? Are iPhones no longer available in New York City?

Daphne: I am happy to be helping you today . Yes, this is correct the phone is not offered to you because New York is not ready for the iPhone.

Daphne: You don't have enough towers to handle the phone.

Laura: Thank you for your help. So the phone is not available to people anywhere in the city?

Daphne: Yes this is correct Laura..

Update: In a written statement, AT&T spokesman Fletcher Cook told Consumerist that "We periodically modify our promotions and distribution channels." We have requested additional details, and will add them when and if they become available.

AT&T has maybe finally found a way to curb data-hogger's (People who consume too much bandwidth by frequent downloads). By banishing the iPhone from it's online store. People have long since had a problem with their service. They do not have enough towers in New York they say. AT&T said "New York City is not ready for the iPhone". 

We will follow this story and post updates. Not too much information flowing from the company since it's still the holidays.

An original post by
