Showing posts with label Seppukoo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Seppukoo. Show all posts

Friday, December 11, 2009

Seppukoo. We assist your virtual identity suicide

Sick of Social Networking sites? would you like to announce your death with a complete memorial page. Seppukoo is the way to go. The site announces. "Impress your friends disconnect yourself. Join the world wide suicide network". And there you have it. If you feel you have had enough and would like to leave. Why not leave in style. A message gets sent to all your friends announcing your death and  a memorial page appears.

The site also goes on to say that "Thank Gog, Facebook is merciful, if you ever want to reconnect you simply need to login to your account and your back. And hey there is also a score card. To receive more points " Every friend of your network who'll get seppukoo will increase your score"

Ha you want to leave the Social Scene and they try to kill you in a social way following all the rules of social networking.  Am sure there are going to be a large number of people who do it just for the fun of it. After all to reactivate your account on Facebook all you need to do is to log back in.

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