Showing posts with label Shakespeare game. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shakespeare game. Show all posts

Saturday, February 6, 2010

How to play Romeo Viral Game.

'Romeo wherefore art thou' a new online game based no William Shakespeare's play 'Romeo and Juliet' is a new hit on the internet, agencies report from London. It has already attracted 22 million players worldwide.

The game initially commissioned by Shakespeare country tourist site, allows players to take on the role of Romeo, as he collects flowers for Juliet. A virtual Romeo appears on the game itself urging player Romeo to move on to the next level. The game has all the historical landmarks. Bringing Shakespeare back to life.

To play the Shakespeare game

You also get to win a weekend break

Found on Adobe


Shakespeare Country wanted to showcase the attractions that tourists are able to come and visit in the area and wanted to use an online tool to promote what is available to new visitors.

The primary aim for the campaign was to raise awareness for the area and to encourage users to visit the client's website.

The campaign has been live for less than 3 months and to date, has received over 11 million plays and delivered over 2.5 million hits to the client's website.


Building the Romeo game delivered many challeneges and techinical hurdles. One of the main challeneges was to create a campaign that allowed the end user to experience the attractions that are found in and around the birthplace of William Shakespeare.

When building the game, the ability to optimise images and files allowed us to expand on the creative within the game giving what we hope and believe is a fantastic campaign for both our client and the end users.


We use Adobe tools to build all of our online viral games and find them to be extremely useful and creative when we deliver our client products.

Having a broad range of software easily enables us to provide cutting edge viral solutions to our clients as well as being able to move from software package to package easily and effectively helps to cut down on development time, given that fact that files and elements are easily transferable between the available software.

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