Windows 8 or RT is the new windows OS and with it comes many uses. One being the ability to search of photos online which have been geotagged. Photos shared online through popular photo sharing sites like Flickr,
Instagram, Panoramio and 500px automatically add location details unless turned off by the person uploading and sharing these images. If you are a photography enthusiast and like to find photos associated with a certain place that PhotoWhirl app for Windows 8 and RT is the app for you. With it you can search through services like Flickr, Instagram, Panoramio and 500px to find images and photos associated with a particular location.
Photowhirl: How does it work.You simply download the App on your Windows 8 device -- PC, Tablet or Mobile
Open the app and select the photo-sharing service you want to use.
So if you select Flickr all photo are loaded on a map.
Click on the location you want to search and find all associated photos and images.
So when starting out on your next photography adventure -- use PhotoWhirl to find all photos uploaded from a particular place. This way it helps your research and helps guide you to the best photography spots. Get inspiration from other photographers before you begin your trip.
Get PhotoWhirl now at the Windows 8 Store.Related post: How to become a Wildlife Photographer.