Showing posts with label google Netbook. Show all posts
Showing posts with label google Netbook. Show all posts

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Is there a Google netbook coming next????

Wondering what the rumor mill of the internet has been churning out. Well let's see, maybe a new netbook from Google. Yeah if that is what we are being led to believe then Google will launch it's new netbook as early as 2010. Surprising because we already know about Google's phone called Nexus One. The Google branded chrome OS netbook can be a special surprise for many people and let's see if Google get 's it right.

According to Michale Arrington of TechCrunch who says that according to multiple sources Google has been talking to at least one manufacturer about building a netbook directly for Google. And these netbooks will be mobile enabled. It is not known whether Google will be going with the Atom Processor the current leader in netbook's or will they be trying an ARM CPU with Nvidea Tegra graphics chip.

If this is all true than by next Christmas you will be getting a Google powered chrome OS notebook. With super high-performance. If it is running ARM (HD flash video no problem) Intel will become a grumpy santa.

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