Image Credit: Apple |
Unlike other versions of iOS the new iOS 5 comes with the ability to completely disconnect your phone from your computer. Once you are on iOS 5 Photo Stream is a very simple feature. You take photo on any one device and it is available on all your devices. You can also import a photo from your camera to your computer.
This is how it works
Once you take a photo iCloud will automatically push it to all your devices and apps.
iCloud will use any available Wi-Fi or Ethernet connection
Will be pushed to all photo Apps on your devices
iPhoto or Aperture on your Mac
Pictures Library on your PC.
Photo Stream album on your Apple TV
All the photos you take are stored in a s special Photo Stream Album which holds your last 1000 photos and is stored for a period of 30 days
You cannot edit a photo in Photo Strea so you will need to save it to your Camera Roll to touch it up.
How to setup Photo Stream on your iOS device. (The Below guide is from a NYPost article and you can read more here) On a Mac: Go to the iCloud System Preferences pane and make sure Photo Stream is checked.
iPhoto: To enable Photo Stream in iPhoto, just go into the Preferences and make sure Photo Stream is checked.
Once you’ve done that, click on Photo Stream in the sidebar and you’ll see your photos.
Aperture: To enable Photo Stream in Aperture, just go into Preferences and make sure Photo Stream is checked. In this case, I’ve intentionally left Upload unchecked since I don’t want photos imported from my DSLR to go into the Photo Stream; just those I sync.
Once that’s done, click on Photo Stream in the sidebar to see your synced photos.
On a PC: First, download and install the iCloud Control Panel. Once you launch it — you guessed it — make sure Photo Stream is checked. You will also need to click on Options next to it to specify the Upload and Downloads directory.
According to the article deleting a photo is still difficult and Apple should be able to fix this in the near future.